Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Right-click an asset in the list

Right-click an asset in the list


Right-clicking on one of the assets in the list will open a menu with options. Depending on the type of asset, the right click may or may not contain certain options.


Find sequences – By selecting this option, a list of sequences in which the asset was used will appear in the list. Exit the list of sequences by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the search by name.

NOTE: The “Find sequences” option will be available in the menu only if a right-click is made on an asset located in one of the sequences (cyclam color dot).

Edit – Selecting the edit option will open the asset editor.
Disapprove/Approve – Users who have the privilege to approve assets will have an option in the menu to approve or deny the use of an asset.

NOTE: If the asset is already approved, the menu will contain the option “Disaprove”, and if the asset is not approved for broadcast, the menu will contain the option “Approve”.

Categories – Selecting the edit option will open a window for assigning categories to the asset.
Set as commercial – The asset will be marked as a commercial.

NOTE: If the asset is already marked as an advertisement, then the list will contain the option “Remove commercial tag”, which will remove the marking that it is an advertisement.

Set as music – The asset will be marked as a music video.

NOTE: If the asset is already tagged as a music video, then there will be a “Remove music tag” option in the list, which will remove the music video tag.

Create program – Selecting this option will open a window for creating an asset block (program).
Protect – Moderators who have the privilege to be able to protect an asset from deletion in the menu will have the option to do so. Selecting the protect option will open an additional menu for selecting the number of days for which the asset will remain be protected from deletion.


NOTE: As long as the user is logged in as an administrator, he will have the option to extend the “Forever” duration. If the asset duration has been extended to “Forever”, there will be no “Protect” option in the menu.

Remove – The selected asset will be deleted. The deletion will only be done in the asset database, and the asset will still exist on storage.
Rename file – Selecting this option will change the name of the selected asset.
Delete from storage – The selected asset will be deleted from storage.
Tool – Selecting this option will open an additional menu:


Recheck – By selecting this option, the procedure of rechecking all information about the selected asset will begin.
Open in explorer – a window will open with the location where the selected asset is located.

NOTE: This option is only available to users with administrative rights.

Properties – A window with technical information about the asset will open: