Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Export to social networks

Export to social networks

Export to Facebook

Dragging the asset to the Facebook icon will open the following window:

1. Window for viewing and preparing assets for export

The preparation window is the same as the sequence asset edit window described in the “Sequence Asset Editing” section of this tutorial.

2. Title

A field for entering the text that will appear in the title area. The title appears when the video is opened on the facebook video page.


3. Description

Field for entering the text that will appear in the description area. The description appears on the Facebook page above the posted video.


4. Delayed display

By turning on the (Scheduler) button, an option will appear to select the date and time when the selected asset will be exported to Facebook.

a. Clicking on the field will open a calendar for selecting the date when the video will be exported to Facebook

b. Field for entering the time expressed in the format HH:MM when the video will be exported to Facebook

5. Cancel and Set

Cancel – Click this button to cancel sending the video to Facebook.
Proceed – By clicking this button we will start sending the video file to Facebook.

Export to Youtube

Dragging the asset to the Youtube icon will open the following window:

1. Window for viewing and preparing assets for export

The preparation window is the same as the sequence asset edit window described in the “Sequence Asset Editing” section of this tutorial.

2. Title

A field for entering the text that will appear in the title area.

3. Description

A field for entering the text that will appear in the description area.

4. Keywords

Field for entering keywords to be used during the search.

5. Categories

Drop-down menu to select the category the video belongs to.

6. Cancel and Set

Cancel – By clicking this button, we cancel sending the video to YouTube.
Proceed – By clicking this button we will start sending the video file to YouTube.

Export to Twitter

Dragging the asset onto the Twitter icon will open the following window:

1. Window for viewing and preparing assets for export

The preparation window is the same as the sequence asset edit window described in the “Sequence Asset Editing” section of this tutorial.

2. Title

A field for entering the text that will appear in the title area.

3. Cancel and Set

Cancel – Click this button to cancel sending the video to Twitter.
Proceed – By clicking this button we will start sending the video file to Twitter.