1 – List of created profiles,
2 – Adding a new profile,
3 – Deleting a profile,
4 – Editing the profile.
When a new profile is created, it will appear in the list of all created profiles.
Clicking on the “+” button opens a new window where we create a new profile.

a. List of created profiles
b. Profile name
c. The profile is set as “read only” and D.Play cannot write data to this location
d. Choice of connection type
Path – export to local hard disk
FTP – export to a website (server) via FTP
e. Connection settings window
Export to local hard disk

I. Selection of HDD location
II. Username / Password to access the HDD
III. Button to cancel connection creation
IV. Button to save the created connection
Export to FTP

I – FTP address and port number where the created files will be exported
II – Type of FTP connection
Connection types can be FTP, SFTP, FTP with TLS/SSL, and FTP with GSSS/API.
III – Path to the location where the files will be exported
IV – Username / Password for accessing the FTP site
V – Button for checking the correctness of entered data
By clicking on the “Check” button (6) the feedback received by the server will be written in the message area (6).
VI – Space for printing information received by the server
VII – Button for canceling the creation of connections
VIII – Button to save the created connection
Selecting the “stream” profile from the list of profiles and clicking the “-” button will open a window to confirm the deletion:

If we click on the “Confirm” button, the selected location profile will be deleted, and if we click on the “Cancel” button, we will cancel the deletion of the selected profile.
By selecting a profile from the list of profiles and clicking on the “EDIT” button, a window for editing the profile will open. The editing window looks the same as the window for creating new profiles. The only difference is that that window already has data defined.