1 – Space for searching by user name
2 – Additional settings
3 – Setting up the web email server
4 – Options for working with registered users
Delete – delete the selected user from the list
Duplicate – making a copy of the selected user
Edit – correcting the data of the selected user
New – adding a new user
5 – List of registered users

1 – Delete (delete the selected user from the list)
If you have not selected a user in the list and you have clicked on the “Delete” button, you will get a window with information

If you do not have administrative authority to delete users, an information window will appear

If everything is fine, you must confirm whether you want to delete the user from the list

By pressing the “Yes” button, the user will be deleted, and by clicking the “No” button, you will cancel the deletion of the selected user.
2 – Duplicate (making a copy of the selected user)
If you have not selected a user in the list and you have clicked on the “Duplicate” button, you will get a window with information

If you do not have administrative authority to make copies of users, an information window will appear

3 – Edit (correcting the data of the selected user)
If you have not selected a user in the list and you have clicked on the “Edit” button, you will get a window with information

If you do not have administrative authority to edit user data, a window with information will appear

If everything is in order, a window will open with the user’s data and authorizations

NOTE: The difference between the window for correcting user data and the window for creating a new user is that the correcting window already has the entered data and privileges of the user you want to correct and in the window for creating a new one, everything is empty and it is necessary to enter data and set privileges.
3 – New (creating a new user)
If you do not have administrative authority to create a new user, an information window will appear

If everything is OK, a window for creating a new user will open


1 – Information about the user
User – The name of the user by which he will be recognized in the system
Password – The password that the user will use to access the News Room
Description – Space for adding a description
e-mail – user’s e-mail address
address – address of residence
city - city of residence
phone – phone number
word per min – the number of words per minute that the user can say and is used to calculate the total time of the presentation if the user is also a presenter
2 – Privileges available to the user
create users – the user can create new users
create story – user can create stories
delete story – user can delete stories
approve story – user can approve stories
create rundown – user can create rundowns of shows
edit rundown – the user can change the content of already created show covers
publish social network – the user can send stories to social networks
monitor activity – the user can monitor information about the employment of other users
physically delete files – the user can delete material from the material storage space
3 – User role
admin – user with the role of administrator
editor – the user im the role of editor
journalist – a user of the role of a journalist
video editor – the user plays the role of editor of video material
cameraman – user im the role of cameraman
scheduler – the user takes on the role of a scheduler
organizer – user im the role of organizer
archivist – the user im the role of archivist
shooting manager – the user plays the role of shooting organizer
4 – Space for the image (avatar) of the user
By double-clicking on the space for the user’s image, a window will open in which the image you want to place should be found and will serve for the graphical display of the logged-in user.
5 – Save or cancel buttons
Cancel – abandoning the memory of changes made in the window for creating a new user
Create – completion of creating a new user (save of entered information)

1 – Username of the user
2 – Description
3 – User’s phone
4 – E-mail address of the user
5 – Date and time of last login
6 – Graphic display of assigned user privileges

- privilege not granted

- the privilege is granted