1 – Type designation and story start time
Story type labels (icons) in the rundown list can be:

- Icon of the graphic element signature (Lower third)

- Preview section icon

- Icon of graphic elements used as video material

- Story icon without video material

- A story icon that contains video material

- Icon of video material that is defined as advertising

- Icon for marking the end of a certain section

- Video material icon

- Icon of the element for automatically switching to the switcher inoput
2 – Name of the story
3 – Text 1
Space for writing the text that will appear on the graphic element
4 – Text 2
Space for writing the text that will appear on the graphic element
5 – Audio
A button to determine whether or not to hear the audio from the stream (only the video will play)
6 – Microphone
A button to determine whether audio from the presenter’s microphone will be heard or not
7 – Loop (infinite repetition)
Button to set attachment to loop (repeat endlessly)
8 – Location
Space for writing the text that will appear on the graphic element designed to display the location.
9 – Presenter (Anchor)
By clicking on the field with the name of the presenter, we can change the presenter for a specific attachment. So we can have multiple presenters in one show and the name of the presenter who should read the specific text will be exported to the prompter.
Clicking on the field for the presenter’s name will open a menu with a list of all registered NewsRoom users.

By selecting a user, you will change the presenter of a specific attachment,
10 – Duration of attachment (Duration)
11 – Segment
Space for writing the input switcher number to which we want the camera to switch after the story ends.
12 – Source
Space for writing the text that will appear on the graphic element designed to display the source used for the material.
13 – Story development status
Stories can have 4 statuses (stages of preparation).

- Assigned. The story was assigned to a journalist for work.

- In progress (Assigned). The story is in preparation.

- Completed. The story is finished but the editor has not yet approved it..

- Approved. The story has been reviewed by an editor and approved for broadcast.
NOTE: In all cases except when the status is green (Approved) the item in the list will be crossed out and will not be able to be broadcast, which means that D.Live will skip it.

14 – Quality control status
Quality control status is described in the quality control section of the D.Asset manual
15 – Slider for moving the rundown list
If the rundown list is larger than the display window, a slider will appear with the help of which you can move the list up and down.