1 – Information about the selected show
2 – List of stories added to the selected show
1 – Calendar (space to select the start date of the show)
Clicking on the field will open a calendar in which you need to select the date of the show for which the story is added to the rundown list.
You can exit the calendar only after selecting a date. Which means that if you want to keep the current date, you need to select the same date in the calendar.
2 – Show selection field
By clicking on the field for selecting a show, a menu will open with a list of all created shows, from which you need to select the show to which we want to add the story
3 – Time scheduled for the start of the show
4 – Information about the presenter of the selected show
Clicking on the presenter information field will open a menu with a list of all registered NewsRoom users.
By selecting a user, you will change the presenter of the selected show.
5 – Button for making a duplicate of the selected story in the list
6 – Button for deleting the selected story in the list
7 – Information on the total duration of the show
1 – Time of the beginning of the story
2 – Name of the story
3 – Duration of the story
4 – Graphic display of story status
A story can have 4 statuses (stages of preparation).
- Assigned. The story was assigned to a reporter for work.
- In progress. The story is in preparation.
- Completed. The story is finished but the editor has not yet approved it.
- Approved. The story has been reviewed by the editor and has been approved for broadcast.
NOTE: D.Live will only broadcast stories that have been approved, which means that any stories that do not have an Approved status will be skipped in the broadcast.
5 – Slider to scroll the mini rundown list