1. Asset information

a – You are using proxy created file to set Second Event
b – You are using original file to set Second Event
c – Location where file is stored
NOTE: Difference between using proxy created file and original file is only in loading speed when working with video timeline.
2. Asset control

a – Position of the video file based on the slider position
b – Slider
c – Slider position expressed in frames
d – Total duration of asset
e – Play/Pause button
f – Back 10 frames
g – Back 1 frame
h – Forward 1 frame
i – Forward 10 frames
3. Graphic elements timeline

a – Insert element “WATCHING NOW”
b – Insert element “WATCH NEXT”
c – Insert element “SQUEEZE”
d – Insert element “LOWER THIRD”
e – Insert element “LOGO”

- show Logo

- turn off Logo
f – Insert Facebook stream

- start Facebook streaming

- end Facebook streaming
g – Insert element “REPLAY”

- show Logo

- show Logo
h – Insert element “HEADLINES”
i – Video Timeline
j – Area for inserting elements to Timeline
You can add elements to your timeline by using drag and drop. Once the element is on your timeline, you can move it to any position by drag and drop too. While moving elements, the window where you can see in which position you are in video file, will be shown.

NOTE: If you want to delete graphical element from timeline, just select it and press DEL on your keyboard.
4. Graphical element options
Once you click on inserted graphical element you can see element options.

a – Length of graphical element display
b – Text that will be displayed in the first line of the graphical element
c – Text that will be displayed in the second line of the graphical element
d – Text that will be displayed in the third line of the graphical element
e – Name of the graphical element you are currently setting up
f – The position from which the time of beginning the attachment of the graphic element counts. This check box only affects the graphical representation of start time time above the element icon.
g – Canceling creation of SecondEvent
h – Save created SecondEvent
NOTE: If you leave empty spaces for text (b,c and d), D.VR will use text set in Preferences (PREFS TAB).