Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Server Info (ENGINE TAB)

Server Info (ENGINE TAB)

Information about CasparCG server and connected Decklink cards.

1. Information about your system
2. Information about installed Decklink cards
3. Input number

This is the number of Decklink port which you can use to connect specific input or out to switcher buttons in D.VR.

4. Backup

If you have two D.VRs, than you can set one as a backup. Both of them need to work on the same time and play the same list. If one stops working, than the second one will continue to broadcast the rundown list.

a. IP address of MAIN D.VR
b. IP address of BACKUP D.VR
c. Button for canceling the Backup options
d. Button for saving changes after you’ve set everything up in Backup options