Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Preferences (PREFS TAB)

Preferences (PREFS TAB)

D.VR behavior Preferences.


1. Database settings

Database name and number of clients connected to the database. By clicking on “Database” button, you will get the window to select new database.

a – List of all available databases
b – Button for refreshing the list of available databases
c – Name, username and password to connect to the selected database
d – Button to connect to selected database

Process to connect to database:

1. Double click on the name of the database on the list of available databases (a),
2. Name of database will show up in the field for database name (c),
3. Click on Button to connect (d).

After connecting to the new database, you must restart D.VR.

NOTE: If you can’t find database to which you want to connect, click on the refresh button (b). If you still can’t find database in list, than check you network connection on the computer where the new database is located.

2. Company

Choose your Company from the drop-down list. Company is important because Company profile is connected to quality check.

3. Location of MEDIA folders

MEDIA FOLDER – Path to MEDIA folder
MEDIA LOCAL – If your MEDIA folder is set as network media folder, than you must set location of LOCAL MEDIA folder too.

4. Settings for “Auto play” for graphical elements

a – Name of the graphical element
b – Type of data which will be show in first line of graphical element
c – Type of data which will be show in second line of graphical element
d – Type of data which will be show in third line of graphical element
e – Time when element will show up

– Positive number means that graphical element will show up n seconds from the beginning of asset.
– Negative number means that graphical element will show up n seconds until the end of asset.

f – Duration of graphical element