Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Editor for Crawl

Editor for Crawl

1. A space for graphical element’s setting

NOTE: A flash file will not be shown in the display.

2. Position of the graphical element’s background

3. Position of the graphical element’s text

4. Editor’s background

By default, there is no background in the editor, editor is transparent. For easier setting of elements, you can define a picture as a background. This picture will not be displayed while starting the graphical element,
it will only be used in the editor. By clicking on the “X” button, you will remove defined background and reset it to a default value.

5. Delimiter

Delimiter is a sign or a text which will appear at the end of the graphical element’s text. For example, delimiter can be a web site address and that address will be displayed every time at the end of the graphical element’s text.

6. Displayed text direction

Text can move in two directions.
RTL – Text will move from right to left.
LTR – Text will move from left to right.

7. Choosing of layers

CRAWL can include 4 different graphical elements. After you choose an element for display, that element can be moved around the settings screen.

8. Moving text speed

By changing sliders position to the left or to the right, you can set the moving text speed.

9. Tools for text editing

B – text will be bold.
I – text will be italic.
U – text will be Underlined .
DEFAULT TEXT – The text which will show up in the settings window and which serves for an easier orientation during text appearance setting.
X,Y – position of the upper left point of the text.
W,H – text width and height.
FONT – type of font in which the text will be written. Font type can be selected from the dropdown menu.
SIZE – font size in which the text will be written.
Color – color in which the text will be written.


By clicking on the “File” button you will get to choose a path to the flash file which will be used as a CRAWL graphical element. By clicking on the “X” button you can delete the predefined path.

NOTE: If the flash file is used as a CRAWL graphical element, all settings are done in the flash file itself, and all definitions made in the graphical element setting screen will not have any impact.


A picture which you want to use as a background over which the text will move is defined in this area.

“X” – delete of the current picture.
RECTANGLE – by clicking on the rectangle, a window for choosing path to the picture on your disk will be shown.
X,Y – position of the upper left point of the picture.
W,H – picture’s width and height.
TRANSPARENCY – slider for transparency setting of the chosen image.


If the solid is used instead of the picture, in this area you can define its appearance.

“X” – delete the current solid.
X,Y – position of the upper left point of the solid.
W,H – solid’s width and height.
TRANSPARENCY – slider for transparency setting of the solid.
Color – solid’s color.