1. Add to end of rundown list
If the Add to end check box is on, use of the drag&drop method or right-click to add the asset in rundown list will automatically add asset to the end of the list.
2. Add manually
Select an asset in the list and click on this button to add it to rundown. Button has two states. If “Add to end” (1) is checked, than on this button you can see “add to end” text. If “Add to end” (1) is not checked, than you can see “Insert” text.
That means asset will be inserted after the asset selected in rundown list.
3. Segmented asset rules
If you are inserting segmented asset, than you can set default rules for inserting:
- ask me every time when I am inserting segmented asset about what to insert.
- always insert segmented asset without asking.
- always insert entire asset.
4. Graphic elements rules
- "watch now" graphic element will not be added in asset
- add "watch now" graphic element in asset
- "watch next" graphic element will not be added in asset
- add "watch next" graphic element in asset
- "squeeze" graphic element will not be added in asset
- add "squeeze" graphic element in asset
NOTE: Graphic elements will be added at position which are defined at Preferences (PREFS TAB) and can be adjust at SecondEvent editor.
5. Add to filler list
Insert selected asset to filler list.