Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia


1. Watching now

Turn on/off “WATCHING NOW” CG element.

2. Watch next

Turn on/off “WATCH NEXT” CG element.

3. Squeeze

Turn on/off “SQUEEZE” animation.

4. Logo MAIN

Turn on/off “MAIN LOGO”.
If you have more than one element defined as Logo, than you can change it by pressing right mouse button at “MAIN LOGO” to open the list and choose which one you want to use.


5. Logo FILLER

Turn on/off “FILLER LOGO”.

6. Custom CG

Turn on/off “Custom CG”.

7. Live bug

Turn on/off “Live Bug” CG element.

8. Last news

Turn on/off “Last News” CG element.

9. Music Auto

Turn automatic on/off “Lower Thirds” CG for music assets.

10. Lower Thirds

Turn on/off “Lower Thirds” CG element.

11. Headlines

Turn on/off “Headlines” CG element.

12. Rating and Program logo play stop

Turn off/on “Rating Logo” CG element and “Program Logo” CG element.