Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Break to live

Break to live

Break to live is an option to pause broadcasting of current asset and go to live event.

- Click button to start "Break to live" event.


When “Break to live” event is started, D.Play will switch to selected input on the main switcher line and “Break to live” button will start to blink. In case you have locked asset on D.Play interface, you will notice new button “Cancel next timed event”, so you can cancel timed event to prevent interruption of “Break to live” event.



Switcher 6 is selected and “Break to live” button is pressed. D.Play is broadcasting current asset and will start to broadcast content from input 6. “Break to live” button starts blinking and on D.Play interface we have “Cancel next timed event” button, because we have locked asset at 14:20:37. Clicking on “Cancel next timed event” button we will cancel locking of asset at 14:20:37 to prevent interruption of “Break to live” event. Clicking again on “Break to live” button will continue broadcasting of paused asset in rundown list.