Clicking on the folder “Collections” will expand the menu in which a list of all created collections will appear.

1 – Button to add new collection
Clicking the “+” button will create a new collection with the default name “New Collection”

Right-clicking on the selected collection will open a menu from which you can choose to:

Move Up – Move the collection up in the list of all collections
Move Down – Move the collection down in the list of all collections
Move to – Move the collection in one of already created collections
Rename – Change name of collection
Remove – Delete selected collection
When your collection is ready, you can add assets to it by dragging the desired asset from the window with the list of all assets using the drag&drop method to the desired collection.
NOTE: When you click on one of the collections in the window with the list of all assets, the assets belonging to that collection will be displayed. To return to the list of all assets, you need to deselect the selected collection.
To delete an asset from the collection, you need to right-click in the list of assets belonging to the collection and select the “Remove from Collection” option.
2 – List of all created collections
3 – The color assigned to the collection for easy visual identification
To change the color assigned to the collection, click on the color icon, after which a window will open for selecting a new color.