Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Asset search tools

Asset search tools

1 – Search filters by asset type
2 – Search filters by creation date and asset name
3 – Search filters by types and categories of assets

1. Search filters by asset type

By clicking on one of the buttons, it is determined which type of asset will be displayed in the list of all assets.

- The list will contain video files.

- The list will contain images.

- The list will contain audio files.

- List will contain user created programs.

- The list will contain the created sequences.

- The list will contain the created CG elements.

- The list will contain the created video titles.

- The list will contain the archived files.

- The list will contain assets that the user has marked as music files.

- The list will contain the assets that the user has marked as advertisements.

NOTE: A combination of two or more search file formats is possible. If two or more buttons are selected, the asset list will contain all selected asset types.

2. Search filters by creation date and asset name

a) Button to display assets that are not approved for broadcasting

This button will only appear for logged in users who have administrative privileges to approve broadcast assets. By clicking this button, only assets that have not been approved for broadcast will be displayed in the asset list.

b) Search filters by the day the asset was added to the MEDIA folder

- Instant search. If the button for instant search is enabled, the search will be performed when entering each letter in the word input field.

- Search using any date.

- Asset search from today.

- If the filter is set to Today, it is possible to set how many hours in the past the filter applies to.

- Asset search from yesterday and today.

- Search assets entered in the last 3 days.

- Search of assets entered in the last 7 days.


c) Asset search according to the entered words

- Enter a word or part of a word and click the magnifying glass icon to search. By right-clicking on the magnifying glass icon, we will cancel the entered word, as well as all selected search filters.


When you start typing the search term, the search field will change its appearance to:


Clicking the X button will delete the entered text.

- If more than one word is entered in the search, assets containing all the entered words will appear in the search list.

- If more than one word is entered in the search, assets containing any of the entered words will appear in the search list.

- If the button including description is turned on, the search will also be performed by the description of the file.


3. Search filters by types and categories of assets

a) In/Out MEDIA folder

- If the button is pressed, the search will be performed by the files located in the MEDIA folder

- If the button is not pressed, the search will be performed by the files located out of the MEDIA folder


b) Folder


By selecting a folder from the drop-down menu, assets located only in the selected folder will be visible in the search results.

NOTE: The list of folders that appear in the drop-down menu depends on each user individually, ie. different folders can be assigned to each user.

c) Asset search according to created categories


If asset categories are used, it is possible to search for assets by category. By selecting a category from the drop-down menu, assets belonging to the selected category will be visible in the search results.

d) Presentation of assets according to production


If the categorization of assets by production is used, it is possible to search for assets by production. By selecting a production from the drop-down menu, assets belonging to the selected production will be visible in the search results.

e) Ingested/modified date

ing – Ingested date will be used for search
mod – Modified date will be used for search