Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

Options for working with users

Options for working with users

1 – Delete (delete the selected user from the list)

If you did not select a user in the list, and you clicked on the “Delete” button, you will get a window with information:


If you do not have administrative authority to delete users, a window will appear with information:


If everything is fine, you must confirm whether you want to delete the user from the list:


By pressing the “Yes” button, the user will be deleted, and by clicking the “No” button, you will cancel the deletion of the selected user.

2 – Duplicate (making a copy of the selected user)

If you did not select a user in the list, and you clicked on the “Duplicate” button, you will get a window with information:


If you do not have administrative authority to make copies of users, a window will appear with the information


3 – Edit (correcting data of the selected user)

If you did not select a user in the list, and you clicked on the “Edit” button, you will get a window with information:


If you do not have administrative authority to create and correct user data, a window will appear with information:


If everything is fine, a window will open with the user’s data and authorizations.


NOTE: The difference between the window for correcting user data and the window for creating a new user is that in the correction window there are already entered data and privileges of the user you want to correct, and in the window for creating a new one is empty and it is necessary to enter data and set privileges.

3 – New (creating a new user)

If you do not have administrative authority to create a new user, a window will appear with information:


If everything is fine, a window for creating a new user will open: