Clicking on the D.Ingest main settings button will open the following window:

1. Database setup
Database name and save database button. Clicking on the “CHANGE” button will open a window for selecting a new database:

I – List of all available databases
II – Button to refresh the list of available databases
III – Name / Username / Code of the database to which you will connect
IV – Connect button
The procedure for connecting to the database is as follows:
1. Double-click on the database name in the list of all databases (1),
2. The database name will appear in the Name field (3),
3. Click on the connection button (4).
D.Ingest will inform you that it must be restarted to pull data from the new database.
NOTE: If there is no base you want to connect to in the list of all bases, click the refresh button (2).
If the database is still not listed, check the network connection to the computer where the database is located.
2. Setting the media folder location
MEDIA FOLDER – Path to the MEDIA folder.
3. The number of inputs on the card that will be recorded simultaneously
4. The IP addresses where the running programs (ENGINES) are located and the drop-down menu from which the main engine should be selected.
In case the “Engine” is located on another computer and is not on the same computer on which the D.Ingest application is installed, it is necessary to define the location of the “Engine”. It is possible to define 3 “Engines”, one of which will be the main one, and the other two will be used as support in case the main one stops working for some reason.
5. Showing the first frame
If the “Player Load First Frame” option is on, the first frame of the video file will be loaded in the preview window.
6. Profile editor for incoming IP streams
Clicking the input profile editor button will open the following window:

a. Button to import list of IP streams from m3u8 file
b. List of created streams
c. Add and delete streams from the list
7. Creating recording profiles, locations and creating “META” (Targets)
Clicking on the recording profile editor button (RECORDINGS) will open the following window:

a. Recording profile name
b. List of created profiles
c. The type of profile created
d. Recording format options
Clicking on the button for the profile location editor (LOCATIONS) will open the following window:

a. List of created profiles
b. Profile name
c. The profile is set as “read only” and the application cannot write data to this location
d. Choice of connection type
Path – export to local hard disk
FTP – export to a website (server) via FTP
e. Connection settings window
Export to local hard disk

I. Selection of HDD location
II. Username / Password to access the HDD
III. Button to cancel connection creation
IV. Button to save the created connection
Export to FTP

I – FTP address and port number where the created files will be exported
II – Type of FTP connection
Connection types can be FTP, SFTP, FTP with TLS/SSL, and FTP with GSSS/API.
III – Path to the location where the files will be exported
IV – Username / Password for accessing the FTP site
V – Button for checking the correctness of entered data
By clicking on the “Check” button (6) the feedback received by the server will be written in the message area (6).
VI – Space for printing information received by the server
VII – Button for canceling the creation of connections
VIII – Button to save the created connection
By clicking on the TARGETS button, a window will open in which we can define the locations to which we want to transfer the selected assets. The created locations will be displayed in the list of locations (TARGETS).

a – Buttons for adding and deleting the selected location.
b – Space for assigning the internal name of the location. The name will be visible in the list of all locations.
c – Transcoding profile type. Clicking on the field for the type of profile will open a window of all created profiles, one of which we can choose to perform transcoding into that specific profile when transferring material.
d – Field for selecting a pre-created location and location type. Clicking on the selection field will open a list of pre-created locations from which we can choose one location.