Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia


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  • Big regional TV station, Sremska TV, has chosen D.Live. Welcome!

Big regional TV station, Sremska TV, has chosen D.Live. Welcome!

Sremska TV is a regional TV station that started broadcasting in December 2001. Previous 17 years brought a lot of growth for this station. During this period their program was enriched with numerous informative, sports, film, TV shows and entertainment content.

The seriousness of production is sufficiently testified with 10 big studios equipped with up-to-date technical equipment, from which 6 of them are main studios located at the company’s headquarters, and the rest of them are located in the near towns.

Sremska TV’s team has made efforts to discover the needs and wishes of the viewers from the areas that they cover and to create a program based on quality, recognizable shows and a 24/7 access to the information.

With the excellent technical and technological capacities they have, and with a team of experienced, creative professionals, creating original content and news production at the highest level is mandatory. That is why the members of that experienced team recognized our live production software – D.Live, as a perfect solution for their needs.

With D.Live they will be able to, among other things, cover all the important topics, manage different inputs (journalist from many locations) for scene creation, include various graphic elements, stream live to social networks and CDNs and record everything for post-production.

We are very excited that Sremska TV has chosen our D.Live, we will continue to support their growth and improvement, and looking forward to some new projects with them.