1. Connections to databases
List of all active bases and their status. The red line marks the main base and the green line marks the backup base. In the event that for some reason the main base is not functioning, the role of the main base will be taken over by the backup base a the next base in the list will become the backup base. the report will also be sent to the administrator’s email address. In the meantime, D.PAM will try to restart the database that is not in operation and restore it to operation.

a) IP address of the computer on which the databases are installed
b) Graphic display of the database status.

- GREEN: the database is up and running.

- RED: the datsbase is not raised and is not in operation
c) Button to add a new base in the list of all bats
By clicking on the button to add new IP addresses to the list of bases, a new line will appear where you need to enter the IP address and port number through which communication with the base is carried out.
d) Button for deleting a base from the list of all bases
By clicking on one of the bases in the list of all bases and clicking the delete button, the selected base will be deleted from the list of all bases
e) Button to terminate all connections to the database
Clicking the button to terminate all connections will disconnect all client applications that are attached to the base
f) Button to restart the service that controls the database (regularly)
Clicking on the service restart button will restart the VServer.exe service, which is used to control the database
g) Button to restart the service that controls the database by interrupting the process (forcibly)
In the event that the regular restart of VServer.exe failed, a forced restart can be performed by interrupting the process
2. Connections to D., Asset services
List of all running D.Asset services and their status. In case the D.Asset service is not running, D.PAM will automatically try to start it.

a) IP address of the computer on which the D.Asset service is installed
b) Graphic display of the status of D.Asset Service.

- GREEN: D.Asset service is up and running.

- RED: D.Asset service is not started and is not functioning. D.PAM will prompt to start it automatically.
3. Connection according to MOS
MOS Gateway information and status. In case the MOS Gateway is not up D.PAM will try to start it automatically.

a) Identification name of the MOS Gateway in the system
b) IP address of the computer on which the MOS Gateway is running
c) Graphic display of MOS Gateway status.

- GREEN: MOS Gareway is up and running.

- RED: MOS Gateway is not started and is not operational. D.PAM will try to start it automatically.
d) Button for adding a new connection according to MOS
By clicking the button to add new connections in the list of all connections, a new line will appear where you need to enter the name and IP address of the computer on which MOS is running.
e) Button for deleting connection according to MOS
By clicking on one of the connections in the list of all connections according to MOS and clicking on the delete button, the selected MOS connection will be deleted from the list.
4. Connections to D.,PAM servers
If there are several D.Pam servers in the system, their IP addresses will be written in the field for Pam servers

5. IP address of the D.PAM server
IP address of the computer on which the D.PAM server is running.
6. Database status monitor

a) Graphic representation of the database testing protocol
b) Testing the database according to the SNMP protocol
c) Database testing with the help of DB API
d) Testing the database according to the notification protocol
e) Testing the database by SQL query
f) Current display of results of database testing by WQL query
g) Textual result of all performed tests
7. List of connected clients
A list of all client applications that are currently requesting information from the database.

a) Identification name of the client in the system
b) Name of the application
c) IP address of the client in the system
d) Date and time when the client logged into the system
e) Date and time when the client last requested information from the database
8. Activity history
D.PAM server activity history.

9. Checking the availability of the base
This option is used on the D.PAM backup and is used to check if the MAIN D.PAM is active and functioning. In the event that BACKUP D.PAM receives information that MAIN D.PAM is not active, it will activate and become MAIN D.PAM.

a) Field for specifying the location on the disk where the database is located
b) The time in milliseconds that D.PAM will wait before activating and becoming the MAIN server from the moment it receives information that D.PAM MAIN is no longer functional
c) Time until the next appointment for restarting the D.PAM application (BACKUP)
10. Setup

a) Percentage of processor occupancy above which a notification will be sent to the email defined for reports
b) Percentage of memory usage above which a notification will be sent to the email defined for reports
c) and d) Defined time for D.PAM restart. Restart applies to D.PAM only when it is in BACKUP mode.
e) If we have several PAM servers in the system, we can assign a certain function to each of the PAM servers.
MAIN – The PAM Server will be the main one
BACKUP – The PAM Server will support the main PAM Server
STANDALONE – There is only one PAM Server in the system

a) e-mail server address
b) e-mail server port
c) e-mail address for accessing the e-mail server
d) Password of the e-mail address for accessing the e-mail server
e) Button for testing the entered parameters for accessing the e-mail server
f) Button for adding an e-mail address to the list of addresses for sending reports
g) Button for deleting an e-mail address from the list of addresses for sending reports
h) List of email addresses to which reports will be sent
DB – reports on the operation of the database will be sent to the e-mail address
MAM – reports on the work of D.MAM will be sent to the e-mail address
MOS – reports on the work of the MOS will be sent to the e-mail address
11. History of memory usage

Graphic display of computer memory usage in the last 2 minutes.
12. Occupancy of the system disk

Information about system disk usage on the computer where D.PAM is installed
13. Processor busy history

Graphical display of processor usage in the last 2 minutes.
14. Graphic display of processor occupancy

Graphical display of current processor usage.
15. Current time

a) Current vsystem time on the computer running D.PAM
b) Time since the last launch of the D.PAM application

Indicates the mode in which the D.PAM server is currently running. Mod can be:
MAIN – D.PAM works in MAIN mode and takes care of the database
BACKUP – D.PAM works in BACKUP mode and will activate if MAIN D.PAM stops working