your assets
to life!

reliable asscess
to you media

and distribute your
growing media

Some Of D.Asset Features

It is very important that the content you use for broadcast meets certain quality standards. Since different standards may apply to different types of programs (shows), you have the ability to create multiple different quality control proöles.
Within each proöle you have the ability to deöne the values of the parameters that the asset must have - video or audio bitrate, horizontal and vertical resolution, volume, duration, etc.
When setting up quality control, selecting W or D option determines whether an asset that has not passed quality control can be broadcasted from the rundown list or not.

Create searchable metadata and never waste time on finding assets again! We all faced a challenge of trying to remember something important after a significant amount of time has passed. Avoid situations like that by describing your files as best as you can – provide more information about your file that can be associated with it and make the search easier and shorter. The powerful search engine comes in handy, too, with a variety of categories and time intervals to search within, all for the purpose of the efficient search.

Scanning for assets was never easier. With D.Asset you don’t have to worry about whether your assets are scanned and archived – it uses watch folder mechanism. This means automatic archival of folder content (your predefined MEDIA folder for assets). Put all of your files to the MEDIA folder or specify a path to the file located elsewhere. You can set a time to scan every couple of minutes, hours or that scan is performed as many times a day you find suitable. If you want to, for any reason, you can scan files manually with the help of the SCAN button.