1. Space for setting the graphic element
NOTE: The flash file will not be displayed in the display area.
2. Background position of the graphic element
3. Position of the text of the graphic element
4. Background of the editor
By default, there is no background in the editor and the editor is transparent. For easier setting of elements, we can define a background image. This image will not be displayed at startup graphic element will already be used only in the element editor. By clicking the “X” button we will delete the defined background and restore the default value.
5. Delimiter
A delimiter is a character or text that will appear at the end of the text of a graphic element. For example, the web address of the site can be entered in the delimiter and it will be displayed every time the end of the text message is reached.
6. Direction of display
Text can be scrolled in two directions.
RTL – Text will scroll from right to left.
LTR – Text will scroll from left to right.
7. Selection of layers for work
CRAWL can contain 4 different elements. By selecting an element for work, we can move the selected element in the setting window.
8. Speed of text scrolling
By moving the slider to the left and right, we can determine the speed of the text.
9. Tools for working with text
B – the text will be bold (blackened).
I – the text will be italic (curved).
In – the text will be underlined.
DEFAULT TEXT – the text that will appear in the setting window, and serves for easier orientation when setting the appearance of the text.
X,Y – position of the upper left point of the text.
W,H – width and height of the text.
FONT – type of font with which the text will be written. We can choose the type of font from the drop-down menu.
SIZE – the size of the font in which the text will be printed.
Color – the color with which the font will be printed.
By clicking on the file field, we will select the path to the flash file that will be used for the graphic element CRAWL. Press the “X” button to delete the defined path.
NOTE: If a flash file is used to display the graphic element CRAWL, all settings are made in the flash file itself and all definitions made in the window for setting the graphic element will not have any effect.
In this space, the image that we want to use for the background over which the text will move is defined.
“X” – delete the existing image.
SQUARE – clicking on the square will open a window to find the image on your disk.
X,Y – position of the upper left point of the image.
W,H – width and height of the image.
TRANSPARENCY – slider for setting the transparency of the selected image.
If a solid (rectangle) is used instead of an image, its appearance is defined in this space.
“X” – deletion of existing solid.
X,Y – position of the upper left point of the solid.
W,H – width and height of the solid.
TRANSPARENCY – slider for adjusting the transparency of the solid.
Color – solid color.