Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Serbia

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dovecher.tv na 26.Radijski dani RAB SRBIJA

The 26th RAB SERBIA radio days were held from October 29 to 31 in Zlatibor. Numerous guests from radio stations from the country and abroad, as well as guests from all media spheres, actively participated in lectures and round tables for three days.

Owners and directors of radio stations from Serbia, Croatia and North Macedonia, as well as editors, presenters and sound designers, as well as guests from other radio and journalistic associations and television stations gathered in one place.

On the last day, Zoran Dovečer, CEO of the Smart City company, held a presentation of the D.VR (Visual Radio) software intended for radio stations that want to transform their radio station into a visual radio station

You can read more about the 26th Radio Days at the link RAB SRBIJA.