Karadjordjeva 120, Valjevo, Srbija

HD Video Striming

Budite uvek na Internetu

Grafičke Animacije

pružaju vizuelnu fluidnost gledaocu.

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D.VR Pregled

Automatizovana proizvodnja audio-vizuelnog sadržaja

Odmah ćete početi da uživate u prednostima prelaska na audio-vizuelnu platformu sa kojom ćete povećati prihod od oglašavanja i steći veću publiku na više onlajn platformi i društvenih mreža – bez značajnih dodatnih troškova i na 100% automatski način. Sa D.VR, kreativni potencijal radio stanice postaje neograničen!

Pozovite danas i transformišite svoju radio stanicu u Vizualnu Radio Stanicu!

Karakteristike -

Neke Od Karakteristika


Sistemski Zahtevi

Sistemski zahtevi su konfiguracija koju sistem mora da ima da bi D.Play radio glatko i efikasno. Neispunjavanje ovih zahteva može dovesti do problema sa instalacijom ili performansama. Prvi može da spreči instalaciju D.Play-a, dok drugi može dovesti do toga da bude ispod očekivanog ili čak da izazove zamrzavanje ili krah.



Windows10 OS (32 ili 64 bits)
nVIDIA grafička kartica min 2Gb DDR5 sposobna za OpenGL 3.0 ili noviju verziju
Puna HD grafička rezolucija 1920 x 1080
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 Family (E5-1650 v4) ili bolji
BlackMagicDesign Decklink HD kartica
Odvojeni čvrsti diskovi za skladištenje medija
Najmanje 16 GB ECC RAM-a

HD – 4K

Karakteristika Standard Enterprise
Support 24/7
Output in SD, HD and Ultra HD (4K)
Mix different codecs, resolutions and aspect ratios in one
On the fly rundown editing
Unlimited rundown scheduling
Drag and drop playlist editing
Set asset title
Whole playlist loop
Play time locking
Forced lock time
Playing fillers on free space
Logo main
Logo filler
Logo before commercials
Live bug
Commercial flag turn off logo
Static or animated logo insertion
Watching Now graphic
Watch Next graphic
Next three content
Replay bug
Hot update without interrupting the program transmission
Zebra on stop
Free space / Placeholder
Time calculation in msec
Set loop selection
Detailed system log
Last News
Live events
Defining programm as gap filler playlist
Trimming of Assets
AsRunLog Export
Rundown row trimming
Audio normalization
Custom CG elements
Frame accurate Asset editor
Video cover
Automatic lower third for music asset X
Crawls X
Stream to Facebook in rundown row X
NDI Input X
Stream to D.Logger over UDP X
Video background X
Second Event X
Subtitle .srt inserting X
Two different stream outs X
Proxy storage X
Prebacivanje na prenos uživo X
Play as break X
Multi logo X
Program logo X
Category logo X
Rating logo X
Online Failure Redundancy X
Remote Client X
Smart schedulling X
EPG export of current program content via FTP X
HTML export of current program content via FTP X
Quality Control X
Wait To Start Live X
Wait for next X
Color Correction X
Mask Plazey – Slots X
Cross Mixing Assets X
Record Audio To Rundown X
Record Audio To Library X
Intor Time Anouncement X

Kliknite na svaku karakteristiku da biste je videli u akciji

Postavite Nam Pitanje Na WhatsApp

Make last minute changes to your rundown list when necessary.

In D.Play, rundown lists are created for each day individually.
It is possible to create lists for unlimited number of days in advance.

Easily add new assets to the rundown list by simple drag and drop.

Set/change title for any asset, directly in D.Play.

If necessary, set your rundown playlist to “loop” mode
and at the end of the list,  D.Play will return to the beginning.

Lock content to be broadcasted at the specific time. If the broadcast of previous asset wasn’t finished,
D.Play will wait and broadcast desired content after the previous one

If force lock is on, desired content will be broadcasted precisely  at a specified time. 
If the broadcast of previous asset wasn’t finished,  it will be stopped and locked content will be aired.

If there is any free space in your rundown list, assets from gap filler playlist  will be broadcasted. The same
goes in case of any kind of non-functionality  where is not possible to broadcast the desired content.

Display of the main logo of your channel which is used in  most of the situations.

Display of slightly different logo than the main logo of your channel.  The viewers won’t notice the difference,
but this can be a discreet signal  to you that you are broadcasting assets from gap filler playlist.

Display of specific logo to announced that commercial block begins.

Inform your viewers that they are watching a live event, whether it’s a concert,
football game, live news, talk shows or something else.

Choose whether you want your logo to be static or animated. It is possible to use an image,
but also a video file as logo.

Inform your viewers what is currently being broadcasted.

Inform your viewers what will be broadcasted after the current content.

Graphic element that shows the next three assets that are goingto be  broadcasted with the exact time
each of them will appear on the screen.  These times are imported directly from the playlist and are
automatically changed every time someone makes the change in the list.

Inform your viewers that they are watching a replay of some program, and not the live event.

Turn on this option and at the end of the current asset, or at any other point you want, your content  will be
“squeezed” to the one part of the screen and in the rest - an announcement  of the next asset will be shown.

When the time for update comes, do not worry. We will update your D.Play  to the newest version
without the need to interrupt or stop your program transmission.

If for any reason you decide to stop the rundown playlist,  a Zebra screen will appear instead of a black screen.

A graphical representation of the current position of the asset  that is being broadcasted.

When you have an hour or two to fill in your playlist, but the intended assets aren’t ready yet,
use the placeholder and fill it later when the content is ready.

Start time for every asset in the rundown playlist is displayed on the screen,  with the precision in milliseconds.

Select a number of assets from your rundown playlist and make a loop section. Assets from this section
will be broadcasted until you turn the loop of or set some other asset as next and press “Next” button.

A detailed system log which contains every action taken in D.Play  is created and you can check for
any information about playout functioning that you may need.

When the latest news arrives, it is important that it is broadcasted quickly.  With “Last News” graphical
element you can make sure your viewers know  they are getting fresh information.

Our D.Play has 8 switchers which can be used for “Live event” occasions. Add this element to
your rundown list and broadcast content directly from switchers instead of pre-recorded content.

Define a programm as a gap filler playlist and assets from this list will
be broadcasted every time there is some kind of non-functionality
where it’s not possible to broadcast the desired content.

Basic trimming of assets is available in D.Play. Make a last minute change to your assets and add them
to the rundown playlist without the need to send them back to the montage.

Create AsRunLog, a list of all broadcasted assets, once a month or more often if your local institutions
require so. Or create a list that contains only one category of assets (music, commercial, etc.)
for a specified time period. This can be done only in D.Play client mode, not in D.Play main,
but also in our MAM (Media Asset Management) software - D.Asset.

Define an IN and OUT point (trimming options) for any asset  in the rundown playlist,
and those changes will be applied when the asset is broadcasted.

You can adjust loudness for every asset individually, but with audio normalization – all assets will have
the same sound level, as they should for a professional broadcast.

We predefined a lot of CG elements which we thought were necessary,
from our own experience. But, if you have specific needs
and want more elements – you can easily define and play them in our D.Play.

Every editing job done in D.Play is frame accurate and D.Play can display the exact frame
selected in video asset.

Define an asset as music and the artist’s name and the name of the song
will be automatically displayed as a lower third.

Use crawls, a moving text, to inform your viewers about any subject.
Crawls can go from right to left or from left to right,  depending on the language you use.

Choose an asset or a number of assets from your rundown playlist, check “Stream to Facebook” button
and those assets will be automatically streamed when it’s their turn to be broadcasted.

Add Second Event to your asset and display various graphic elements
as many times as you want, and more.

There is a possibility to stream to 2 different CDNs and Facebook page, at the same time.

Have an extra disk that will serve as proxy storage and where all assets from your current rundown list
will be copied. When an asset has finished broadcasting, it is automatically removed from proxy storage.
This is an additional level of security for your broadcasts.

If an important event suddenly occurred and your asset is in the middle of broadcasting,
there is no need to stop it. Simply use “Break to live” option, broadcast the live event,
and after it’s over – turn off “Break to live” and the asset will continue
from the exact spot where you made a break.

Check an asset or assets and press “Play as break”. Currently broadcasted asset will be paused
and the selected asset(s) will be broadcasted as commercials (without CG).
When break is over, the previous asset will be continued.

Multiple positions for main logo are defined so you can choose where your logo will be displayed,
depending on the specific situation.

Define a special logo for a certain asset (for example, Sponsor logo)
and every time that asset is broadcasted - its logo will be displayed.

Assets are usually arranged by categories. You can define different logos for each category
(film, sport, etc.) and those logos will be displayed when an asset from certain category is broadcasted.

It is important for viewers to know if the content that is currently on air  is appropriate for children.
Display a rating logo that shows the suitable age for that specific content.

We have developed a system in which you have one main D.Play which serves as playout, but
you can have more remote clients in which rundown playlist for main D.Play can be edited.

Electronic Program Guides are required for most distributors. Choose where the file will be exported,
as program announcements for the whole day in XML format.

You have an option to export next events in HTML format. A number of events that will be exported
can be changed so you can export next 5, 10 or any other number of next events from your playlist.

Check if assets have the required specifications  (audio/video bitrate, resolution, duration, etc.)
before you allow them to be broadcasted.

There is an option for adding a live event to your rundown playlist and if “Wait to start live” is on,
the event won’t start at predefined time – it will wait for the  signal from our live production software,
D.Live, that the event has started and it can be broadcasted.

As D.Play can wait for a command to start live event, it also can wait  for a command to stop it.
Turn on “Wait for next” option and D.Play will be  broadcasting live event until “Next” command,
either from live production software, D.Live, or directly from D.Play.

There is an option for basic color correction on the fly.