1. Connections
Graphical representation of connections to locations required for D-Live to function.
2. Logo
A right mouse click on the logo opens a window for displaying license information. Left-clicking the mouse will open a window for checking the functionality of system parts
3. Graphic display of keyboard activity
If the taser for the graphic display is red, the keyboard is not active.
If the taser for the graphic display is green, the keyboard is active.
4. Button for immediate transition to blac
By clicking on the button for quick transition, we will turn off the broadcast of the list and go to black in the program.
5. Button for setting black before the start of the broadcast
Before starting the broadcast, we can black out the screen by clicking the button.
6. AUX button
A button to play the current asset to the aux output.
7. Asset play/pause button
When the button is clicked, the currently broadcasting asset will be paused and the button will start flashing (red-white). Clicking the button again will resume asset playback and the button will be red.
8. Display the next asset in the preview window
By clicking this button, the preview window will show the first frame of the asset that is prepared as the next one for playback.
9. Output/Preview input switchers
Buttons for controlling input signals.
10. Scene controls
Buttons to control scenes (multiple screens in broadcast).
11. AFL (audio follow video)
Button to control audio behavior when switching video input. If the AFL button is on, when the video switcher is activated, the audio switcher of the same input will be activated automatically. If AFL is not on, the currently active audio input will remain active regardless of video switcher switching.
12. Buttons for pre-control of input audio signals

a – If the control button (a) is on, the computer speakers will hear the audio from the input selected in the MAIN column of the switcher. Button (b) will automatically be turned off.

b – If the control button (b) is on, the computer speakers will hear the audio from the input selected in the PREVIEW column of the switcher. Button (a) will automatically be turned off.
NOTE: The audio heard on the computer’s speakers will not be broadcast, but is only used for internal control of incoming audio signals.
13. Audio controls
Switchers for audio control.
14. Recording of the show
Controls for recording the show.
15. Streaming
Controls for streaming the show to some of the CDNs and Facebook.

- Streaming is turned off. Click the button to start streaming.

- Streaming is started and D.Live is connecting to the stream server.

- Streaming has started.
16. CPU load indicator
Graphical representation of computer processor load.

- The CPU load is normal and there are no problems for the normal functioning of D.Live.

- The CPU is under heavy load and problems may occur for the normal functioning of D.Live.
17. Time indicator
Information about the current system time.
Time has two states. Green and orange.

- Computer system time is synchronized with world time.

- Computer system time is not synchronized with world time.
NOTE: If D.Live is used in combination with D.Play, the times on both software must be synchronized. This is achieved by having both software synchronized to the same world time server.Time synchronization with the world time server is done within the D.Live settings tab.
18. Additional controls

- If the "AUTO SWAP" button is on, it will not be possible to select the same input on the "MAIN" and "PREVIEW" switcher at the same time.

- If the button is on, there will be no video but only audio from the asset that is currently being broadcast.

- Ukoliko je dugme uključeno, neće ići audio već samo video sa aseta koji je trenutno u emitovanju.
19. Transition controls
Controls for moving from one video to the next video or from one video to one of the inputs.