1. Show assets according to file type and selected criteria

- The list will contain only video files.

- The list will contain images.

- The list will contain audio files.

- Lista će sadržati korisnički kreirane programe.

- Lista će sadržati asete koje je korisnik postavio kao reklame.

- Lista će sadržati asete koje je korisnik postavio kao muzičke fajlove.

- In case of insertion into the list of assets that are divided into segments, with the help of these three options you can adjust how D.Live will behave:
“Ask” – D.Live will ask every time if you want to insert the asset as segmented or whole.
“On” – Will insert the asset as segmented without any questions.
“Off” – Will insert the asset as a whole without asking.
NOTE: A search combination of two or more file formats is possible.

- Search by modified date.

- Search by inserted date.

- Search using any date.

- Asset search from today.

- Search for assets newer than yesterday.

- Asset search from the last three days.

- Asset search from last week.

- Set how many hours in the past the asset will be displayed, if the filter is set to today.
3. Asset search by user-created category

- Enter a word or part of a word and click on the magnifying glass icon.
4. Asset search according to the entered words

- Enter a word or part of a word and click on the magnifying glass icon.

- the search will contain files that have all the entered words.

- the search will contain files that have any of the selected words.
5. Display of assets according to production

- Display of assets according to the selected production.